ALSAN® Diluent V / Diluent L

Alsan® Diluant V: light, volatile, thinner / Alsan® Diluant L: heavy thinner for Alsan® 310, Alsan® 400 and Alsan® 500 waterproofing kit


For the thinning of Alsan® 310, Alsan® 400 and Alsan® 500 products and primers. Do not exceed 8 % of dilution.

  • Alsan® Diluant V: light, rapid evaporating thinner. Adapted to normal atmospheric conditions (temperate climate).
  • Alsan® Diluant L : heavy, slow evaporating thinner. Adapted to particular atmospheric conditions (high temperature, wind…). Slows down the hardening process of resins and aids the penetration of primers on porous surfaces. Cleaning material.


- Cans: 5 kg and 10 liters.
- Storage in a cool, dry, ventilated area.